Dare you enter the Lions Den?
Could your group do with a little money to support that project that you have been wanting to achieve for a while? If so, this event may be just for you. Loddon Valley Lions invite small local groups to attend our Lions Den Event at The Ambrose Allen Centre, Tadley on 9th November 2024 from 10:30am.
The event will be run along similar lines to 'The Dragons Den' TV programme and small groups will be invited to bid for up to £500 to support a particular project, although The Lions will have discretion to grant rather more than this if they feel it is warranted. We are unlikely to support large charities or national organisations unless it can be demonstrated that the money can be earmarked for a cause within the area supported by Loddon Valley Lions, Click Here to see a map of our area.
Who can apply?
- Youth groups, including Scouts, Guides, Schools, School PTAs, Etc.
- Local charitable organisations
- Local Sports clubs
- Local Play groups, Toddler groups and the like
- Local Homes or groups caring for the elderly and/or the vulnerable
- Local medical facilities, provided it is not for funding which should be provided by others, such as the NHS
- Local Support Groups
The above is by no means exhaustive, so if you think your group may qualify and is serving the Loddon Valley Lions Area (Click the link above to see a map). If your group would like to apply, please read the guidelines and more detailed information about the event first, which can be obtained by Clicking Here.
Entry Forms can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE.
When completed, application forms should be returned electronically to lionsden@loddonvalleylions.org to be received on or before Wednesday 6th November 2024.