Tadley Treacle Fair Sunday 2nd June 2024.
For details of and to reserve exhibitor space,
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This year's Tadley Treacle Fair will take place on Sunday 2nd June 2024 and as always, will include Arena Displays, Large Craft Marquee, Trade and Charity Stands, Tea Tent, Licensed Bar Tent and much more besides. Further details will appear on this page as the event programme is developed. The Treacle Fair on the Sunday, will be opened by The Mayor of The Borough of Basingstoke and Deane.
Please Note:
- Access routes are from the A340 Aldermaston Road and will be signed on the day. There is NO access from Silchester Road for pedestrians or vehicles.
- Pedestrian access is via a path from the A340 Aldermaston Road opposite the new building development just north of the former Barclay's Bank building
- Vehicular Access is Via Falcon Fields, Tadley. For safety reasons, this route MUST NOT BE USED BY PEDESTRIANS.
- The Treacle Fair field is agricultural land normally used for the grazing of animals. It can be rough in places and cannot be guaranteed to be free from animal excrement. In wet weather, the ground can become muddy. We advise our visitors to note the above and wear appropriate footwear.
- Well behaved dogs are welcome, but must be kept on a SHORT lead at all times.
ADMISSION: Adults £4.00, Children aged 5 to 16 £1.00, Children aged 4 or under FREE, Regret no concessions.
For Further Details, Click on each of the items below:
Arena Attractions | Loddon Valley Lions Attractions | Attractions by Others | Trade Exhibitors | Craft Exhibitors | Charity Exhibitors | Our Sponsors |